Jeff Rubard
2010-07-17 20:20:18 UTC
---- [!]
Hi. Although I'm not a regular visitor to this newsgroup, I'm a
not-too-distant neighbor of yours on the political spectrum and I'd
to discuss how some other leftists view "progressives". This isn't a
topic I would have thought necessary, but the nonstop W.-bashing
these last few years has made me wonder whether men and women of the
left ought necessarily to be "all on the same page", so to speak; and
whether there might be some men and women together who are worth
considering, but at this time are "off the map", as it were. First,
like to offer a little history of the big-P Progressive movement in
American politics of the early 20th century, and put a question to the
newsgroup as to what of Progressive values and political strategies
people can identify with.
To begin, the Progressive movement did not come out out of the
Republican, not the Democratic, Party; as many of you may know, *The
Progressive* was founded by the most prominent elected Progressive,
Republican Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin. Furthermore, Progressives
were responsible for the initiative systems that many states have
/including my own, Oregon, which had a very strong Progressive
Republican tradition up *into the 1980s*/, non-partisan local
and many other drives to make government clean, efficient, and
accessible to the common man. I put this question to you, but if the
answer is to be "Why, I'm for anything that will deal with
of wealth in this country" I'm for the sentiment in a big way but I'm
afraid I can't agree with that characterization of Progressivism.
Although Progressivism was a proud tradition in many states West of
Mississippi, and shared space with the decidedly redistributionist
Populist and Socialist Parties, at bottom *it is not* about a right to
government aid deriving from popular sovereignty, but bureaucratic
reforms which obviate the need for redistributionist policies. If the
mayor of my town is not elected as the candidate of a party (as he in
fact is, although it is well-known he is a moderate Democrat), the
message built into the very system is that party affiliation counts
naught in dealing with civic government; and if laws enacted by the
legislature can be overturned by direct plebiscite (as they can), the
message is not that the common man's wishes are what goes (since the
initiative process is expensive and time-consuming) but that a small
class of government officials does not dictate what to this (somewhat
mythical) fellow concerning what is good for him. There is really
nothing about welfare or other social-assistance schemes in this
and I really do have to ask small-p progressives concerned about such
safety nets to consider from whence they sprung (namely, the labor
movement and socialist politics). But furthermore, there was another
element in Progressivism which is sometimes actively questioned by
contemporary progressives, namely a frank *veneration* of law and
as represented by clean government officials, including police.
We have heard much about /police brutality and corruption/ in recent
years, and perhaps this deserves close scrutiny for many reasons. But
one of the reasons "real reds" have always distanced themselves from
Progressive label is that this clean and efficient bureaucracy would
*target* radical leftists as possible subverters of the order; for
example, in nearby Portland the police had a "red squad" for many
which would watch black, socialist, and anarchist activists at work
at home for signs of illegal behavior. [!!] If such activities do not
disturb you, perhaps this is a sign of a shift in public opinion (I
I'm less opposed to monitoring than I was some years ago; and I'm a
extreme leftist, that is, opposed to many things). And if they do
perhaps you should question whether you do in fact find them
objectionable, objectionable enough to *take serious action* rather
bemoan them.
I doubt this is the case, and considering that I am well to the left
most all of you I wonder whether some of your discontent is not
"idealist" in nature; perhaps you do not like the values of
America, although you are ambivalent about any particular application
them. And in truth, this actually puts progressives close to the
of pre-revolutionary Russian life, romantic populists who wanted a
world without any kind of serious, painful, dangerous social struggle.
Actually, this is easy enough to sympathize with, and following the
Russian Civil War there was a great deal of loose talk by world
Communists about such elements. By contrast, most contemporary
leftists (and left or "council" communists, who aim to capture what
of value in one particular moment of the Soviet Union) know a
progressive or three and find them to be thoroughly decent people
political issues are not at stake*. But when politics comes into
progressives often execute what communists call "hegemonic strategy":
they represent themselves as being as far left as one can rationally
yet take over responsibility for "cheering on" radical leftists whose
views and life situations are actually quite different from theirs.
Thusly, the undefined progressive mass (called by some the "New
in American society takes the *autonomy* of the radical left as a
away from it; they don't get credit for *what they are attempting to
do*, much less credit for what they actually have accomplished.
And this is a sticky wicket, although to be honest nobody else in
America would probably be too excited about any of the rad ideas
such as me have, it's really not too much for radicals to ask
progressives not to "bogart their actions". Unfortunately, the New
Party's scheme to make representative government more representative
unlikely to un-stick that. The New Party strategy of "fusion",
adequately representation for their party base by alternately
endorsing a Democratic or Green candidate or running their own, has
borne real electoral fruit -- *but* still manages to exclude quite a
of the diversity of opinion at the grass-roots level, a source not of
"dissension" but of real strength for the radical left.
What can we give in return for consideration of such issues? Frankly,
not a hell of a lot; but for any radicals reading this, I would
encourage you to consider what was captured in the "White" vision of
society and discarded in the "Red" by necessity, namely preservation
culture (the good things in life). Fighting for or enjoying such
does not constitute a political act by itself, and although *1984* has
prompted Brother Rorty to encourage acts of random beauty,
conceits, as "experiments in democracy", I feel obliged to remind him
what Brother Kolakowski knows, namely that what is on endless trial in
modernity is not ironism but the thoroughly non-ironic solidarity
characteristic of industrial labor unions.
However, not everybody is in a position to need such solidarity, and
perhaps that's not a bad thing; so I would encourage radicals to
encourage progressives to mind *what exists that is of value*, rather
than resent consideration of what they cannot devote much time to
considering for the time being; and to engage in dialogue with such
people, such that they have a better idea of what the American
market will really tolerate.
Jeff Rubard
Hi. Although I'm not a regular visitor to this newsgroup, I'm a
not-too-distant neighbor of yours on the political spectrum and I'd
to discuss how some other leftists view "progressives". This isn't a
topic I would have thought necessary, but the nonstop W.-bashing
these last few years has made me wonder whether men and women of the
left ought necessarily to be "all on the same page", so to speak; and
whether there might be some men and women together who are worth
considering, but at this time are "off the map", as it were. First,
like to offer a little history of the big-P Progressive movement in
American politics of the early 20th century, and put a question to the
newsgroup as to what of Progressive values and political strategies
people can identify with.
To begin, the Progressive movement did not come out out of the
Republican, not the Democratic, Party; as many of you may know, *The
Progressive* was founded by the most prominent elected Progressive,
Republican Robert LaFollette of Wisconsin. Furthermore, Progressives
were responsible for the initiative systems that many states have
/including my own, Oregon, which had a very strong Progressive
Republican tradition up *into the 1980s*/, non-partisan local
and many other drives to make government clean, efficient, and
accessible to the common man. I put this question to you, but if the
answer is to be "Why, I'm for anything that will deal with
of wealth in this country" I'm for the sentiment in a big way but I'm
afraid I can't agree with that characterization of Progressivism.
Although Progressivism was a proud tradition in many states West of
Mississippi, and shared space with the decidedly redistributionist
Populist and Socialist Parties, at bottom *it is not* about a right to
government aid deriving from popular sovereignty, but bureaucratic
reforms which obviate the need for redistributionist policies. If the
mayor of my town is not elected as the candidate of a party (as he in
fact is, although it is well-known he is a moderate Democrat), the
message built into the very system is that party affiliation counts
naught in dealing with civic government; and if laws enacted by the
legislature can be overturned by direct plebiscite (as they can), the
message is not that the common man's wishes are what goes (since the
initiative process is expensive and time-consuming) but that a small
class of government officials does not dictate what to this (somewhat
mythical) fellow concerning what is good for him. There is really
nothing about welfare or other social-assistance schemes in this
and I really do have to ask small-p progressives concerned about such
safety nets to consider from whence they sprung (namely, the labor
movement and socialist politics). But furthermore, there was another
element in Progressivism which is sometimes actively questioned by
contemporary progressives, namely a frank *veneration* of law and
as represented by clean government officials, including police.
We have heard much about /police brutality and corruption/ in recent
years, and perhaps this deserves close scrutiny for many reasons. But
one of the reasons "real reds" have always distanced themselves from
Progressive label is that this clean and efficient bureaucracy would
*target* radical leftists as possible subverters of the order; for
example, in nearby Portland the police had a "red squad" for many
which would watch black, socialist, and anarchist activists at work
at home for signs of illegal behavior. [!!] If such activities do not
disturb you, perhaps this is a sign of a shift in public opinion (I
I'm less opposed to monitoring than I was some years ago; and I'm a
extreme leftist, that is, opposed to many things). And if they do
perhaps you should question whether you do in fact find them
objectionable, objectionable enough to *take serious action* rather
bemoan them.
I doubt this is the case, and considering that I am well to the left
most all of you I wonder whether some of your discontent is not
"idealist" in nature; perhaps you do not like the values of
America, although you are ambivalent about any particular application
them. And in truth, this actually puts progressives close to the
of pre-revolutionary Russian life, romantic populists who wanted a
world without any kind of serious, painful, dangerous social struggle.
Actually, this is easy enough to sympathize with, and following the
Russian Civil War there was a great deal of loose talk by world
Communists about such elements. By contrast, most contemporary
leftists (and left or "council" communists, who aim to capture what
of value in one particular moment of the Soviet Union) know a
progressive or three and find them to be thoroughly decent people
political issues are not at stake*. But when politics comes into
progressives often execute what communists call "hegemonic strategy":
they represent themselves as being as far left as one can rationally
yet take over responsibility for "cheering on" radical leftists whose
views and life situations are actually quite different from theirs.
Thusly, the undefined progressive mass (called by some the "New
in American society takes the *autonomy* of the radical left as a
away from it; they don't get credit for *what they are attempting to
do*, much less credit for what they actually have accomplished.
And this is a sticky wicket, although to be honest nobody else in
America would probably be too excited about any of the rad ideas
such as me have, it's really not too much for radicals to ask
progressives not to "bogart their actions". Unfortunately, the New
Party's scheme to make representative government more representative
unlikely to un-stick that. The New Party strategy of "fusion",
adequately representation for their party base by alternately
endorsing a Democratic or Green candidate or running their own, has
borne real electoral fruit -- *but* still manages to exclude quite a
of the diversity of opinion at the grass-roots level, a source not of
"dissension" but of real strength for the radical left.
What can we give in return for consideration of such issues? Frankly,
not a hell of a lot; but for any radicals reading this, I would
encourage you to consider what was captured in the "White" vision of
society and discarded in the "Red" by necessity, namely preservation
culture (the good things in life). Fighting for or enjoying such
does not constitute a political act by itself, and although *1984* has
prompted Brother Rorty to encourage acts of random beauty,
conceits, as "experiments in democracy", I feel obliged to remind him
what Brother Kolakowski knows, namely that what is on endless trial in
modernity is not ironism but the thoroughly non-ironic solidarity
characteristic of industrial labor unions.
However, not everybody is in a position to need such solidarity, and
perhaps that's not a bad thing; so I would encourage radicals to
encourage progressives to mind *what exists that is of value*, rather
than resent consideration of what they cannot devote much time to
considering for the time being; and to engage in dialogue with such
people, such that they have a better idea of what the American
market will really tolerate.
Jeff Rubard